I wanna try, wanna make it real Even if there’s bad times, let’s have fun Don’t worry, I’ll never let go I’ll never untie these ribbons that hold us so close

"I wish I had done that at that time" "I wish I had done this at that time" And even in the future, we'll always have all our regrets

But even if there are, we’ve chosen To live on even if there’s worries But you see, being hurt is something I can’t get used to

And I can't laugh when I'm alone, with no one to see me smile I can't spread my joys without anyone by my side And for the first time, I wanted to be with you Everything, even the pain, I’d love to share it with you

I just wanna sing, I just wanna dance I can't even wait for the next day An "I love you" wouldn’t be enough! Where are these feelings coming from?

I wanna try, wanna make it real Even if we’re worried, let’s have fun I won’t let go, there’s no need to fear These ribbons connecting us will never disappear

"Ah! Whatever should I do?" "Maybe this is the thing for me?" I always worry about all the stares that I get every day

For whose sake am I keeping this up? Well the answer comes to me quick But you see, I'm afraid to take that first step up ahead

I can’t move on forward, whenever I’m all alone Yet when I stumble and I fall, I’m able to stand back up Because of you, because of you. You are here to support me And with you by my side, I have nothing to fear now

I’ll bring it to you, my love’s what I’ll give I can’t even wait for the next day And even if an “I’ll be by your side” Sounds so strange and full of lies

I wanna help, just wanna protect you I’ll never let you be so down It’ll be alright, just take my hand Let us enjoy our new adventure now

And even if today isn’t such a good day Maybe the next will be better for you Shall we all sing our joy out now? Yes, we’ll keep on singing all for you!

No, I don't wanna choose the easiest way out I want to continue on while pursuing my ideals I want to be an "idol" full of confidence and joy And I want you, to watch our stage shine with all of us on it

I just wanna sing, I just wanna dance I can't even wait for the next day No, "I love you" isn’t enough! All of my feelings are out now!

I wanna try, wanna make it true Even if it’s bad, let’s just be proud Don’t even worry, I’ll hold you close This knot holding us will never be undone